Prime EDI + Union Pacific EDI
The Prime Software EDI is fully integrated with Union Pacific EDI, allowing your business systems to access your Union Pacific data automatically, including purchase orders, material orders, and fuel invoices. With Prime EDI, we can integrate your current systems with your Union Pacific data, giving you easier access to your vital rail information.
With Prime Software’s Union Pacific EDI, you can review purchase orders, purchase history and diesel fuel invoices by individual load.
Who Should Use Union Pacific EDI Integration?
Any shipping, transportation or logistics business who ships loads via Union Pacific needs Prime Software’s Union Pacific EDI integration. No matter the size of your organization, Prime’s Union Pacific EDI will streamline your access to crucial data and our reports will help you make critical business decisions faster and with more confidence. As your EDI partner, Prime Software is committed to rapid, accurate Union Pacific EDI integration. The security of your private retail data is a important to us and our Union Pacific EDI integration is secure.
What Transactions are currently supported with Union Pacific EDI?
850 RIFMAT – Purchase orders
810 RIFMAT – Material invoices
810 RIFDFO – Diesel fuel invoices
997 RIFMAT – Functional acknowledgment
856 – Advanced Shipment Notice
What questions can be answered with Union Pacific EDI?
What is the status of my loads?
Where are my loads?
What is the status of my Union Pacific account?
What is my current Union Pacific account balance?